Everybody loves getting a massage. You might be surprised how much your horse loves it too! You might also be surprised at how much it can improve your horse’s performance, comfort, and attitude.
What is Masterson Method?
- It is an integrated, multi-modality method of equine massage. For me, becoming a Masterson Method certified practitioner fell in beautifully with the consulting work I do. Being able to work “with” the horse rather than “on” the horse.
How do you know when a horse needs the Masterson Method?
- Head tossing
- Bucking/biting
- Attitude issues
- Displaying resistance in training/riding
- Fussy/worried/stressed
- Sore back or sour when saddling/cinching
- Hypersensitive to brushing or being touched
- Poll issues/head shy
- Poor body posture/conformation
- Inability to round their back
- Short strided
- History of injury/joint problems/arthritis
- Spookiness
- Herd bound/barn sour
- Resistance to picking up feet for cleaning or farrier/ dragging feet when moving
- Refusal to load in trailer
Everyone deserves a massage! Especially our horses who do so much for us!